Face to Face Art Factory and More this Sept. – First Friday

Face to Face Art Factory and more...

First Friday - Sept. 3rd

We had a great time this past First Friday in August with a lot of our Bell Arts Factory artists opening their studios up, our vendors and DJ always supporting us in the Community Room and of course our community artists offering lots of beautiful art. We also had a big demonstration given by @capoeirabauqueventura which by the way Starting September 10th we will all be able to join the Capoeira Roda at the Community Room in Bell Arts Factory, every second Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. Hope lots of you are able to join us!

Join the Capoeira Roda every 2nd Friday of the month in the Community Room at Bell Arts Factory, starting Sept. 10th, 7:00 pm. 

Join Primas Colectivas Yoga (Spanglish Class) every 3rd Friday of the Month in the Community Room at Bell Arts Factory, starting Sept. 17th, 7:00 pm.

Bell Arts Factory Artists opening their studios:

The Tool Room Gallery

Porfirio Gutiérrez


Studio 30 /

Galería Cooperativa

Andrew Rodriguez

Sergio Martinez

Sue Franco

Suzanne Rattigan


Yumiko Glover


Studio 32

Sabine Dodane


Studio 35

Nova Clite


Studio 50

Rolando Camarena

Mario Mora


Joy Suarez


Studio 76

MB Hanrahan


Ahzriel Addams


Studio 77

Jessica Hemmy


Studio 79

Juan D. Mendoza


Studio 82

Mary Cristine Ballestero


Marc Williams 


Studio 84

Evita Sánchez


Studio 86

Ben Bibriesca


Studio 88

Dawn R


Studio 92

Elena Horowitz Brookes


Studio 97

Maribel Hernández


Studio 99

Buenaventura Art Association

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

We want to honor our name and have our Community Artists show us what an

Art Factory is all about, Face to Face:

Paper cut outs by



#100daysofpainting challenge by



Screen printed T-Shirts by



Get your portrait done by



Embroideries by



Robot making

from recycled and reclaimed materials by



Community Room 

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm



Community Room 

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Vendors and Artisans








Community Room 

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Thank you Ventura County

for continuing to do your part to

#SlowTheSpread of COVID-19.

Remember to wear your mask indoors in public settings even if you are fully vaccinated as an added layer of protection for yourself and unvaccinated residents.

Please bring your mask to FIRST FRIDAYS at Bell Arts Factory.

Please make sure to mark your calendars

and join our Artists and Vendors!


Bell Arts Factory Artists are very much looking forward to opening their studios and have you join them during



September 3rd

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 

432 N. Ventura Avenue

Ventura CA 93001



With your help, we can come out stronger than ever in 2021! Will you make a monthly contribution of $5 to Bell Arts Factory and keep Ventura filled with art, dance, music, and culture?

Yes, I’ll help!

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