Verticality: PopUp Art Exhibition

Verticality: PopUp Art Exhibition

Description: A group show of tall ( no taller than 12ft), vertical, 3 dimensional works of art made from any material the artist chooses to convey their creativity within this format. The art varies from abstract to conceptual and realistic. 

Artists:  Bernard Brunon, Lora Amara Eldred, Karen Atkinson, Jim Bess, CJ Browne, Diane Covington, Megan Flanders, Nani Grenell, Jane Jenny, Claudia Taylor, Mark Title.

Here’s a summary of Verticality at Bell Arts Factory:

Dec. 3rd, 2021: First Friday Open Studios

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Dec. 4th, 2021: Reception

4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Dec. 5th, 2021: Gallery Hours

11:00 am to 4:00 pm

See you there!

Contact Diane Covington for any questions you may have:

Thank you Ventura County

for continuing to do your part to

#SlowTheSpread of COVID-19.

Remember to wear your mask indoors in public settings even if you are fully vaccinated as an added layer of protection for yourself and unvaccinated residents.

Please bring your mask to  Bell Arts Factory.

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