Bell Arts Factory Front Entrance 2020

3 Reasons to Donate to Bell Arts Factory

Although our name makes it clear that we have something to do with art, what we offer our surrounding community is much broader and deeper than you think. Here are 3 reasons why the impact of your donation would ripple outwards, affecting many people and families on the Avenue, in Ventura, and beyond:

#1:  Tool Room Gallery Exhibitions featuring Ventura’s BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Artists

Diego Juarez, @paquiliztli
gauvin Yoo hoo painting

With a worldwide awakening to the systematic oppression of people of color and those who are LGBTQIA+, it has become more pressing than ever for Bell Arts Factory to remain a force against racism and continue moving forward until all forms of prejudice are eradicated. We are, and always have been, staunch supporters of local artists from historically underrepresented and oppressed groups, featuring artists such as Diego Juarez (left), and gauvin (right), in our Tool Room Gallery. Your donation would help pay for the costs of installation, publicity, facilities, and curation, so that we can continue to mount exhibitions like these.

#2:  Spanish Language Art Classes for Children

Arte en Espanol student

Mariposas by Zoe

Created and led by Maribel Hernandez, a bilingual artist from Mexico and the General Manager of Bell Arts Factory, Arte en Espanol is a year-round series of art classes that provide children on the Avenue the opportunity to learn and create art. Since most of them go to one of two nearby elementary schools that do not offer art in their curriculum, we are often their only source of art instruction and exposure to the arts. Nearly all students come from low-income families who cannot afford our tuition, which is already subsidized by grants; this is why we provide scholarships that are funded in part through donations like yours!

#3: Better Health and Wellness Through Art and Culture

Ballet Folklorico

From Capoeira Batuque Ventura (left) to Ballet Folklórico (right), Danza Azteca with Resistencia Mexicayotl Chalchiuhtlicue (below) to T’ai Chi, cycling with Bike Ventura to yoga and meditation, Bell Arts Factory is host to a range of dance and ancient forms of movement, and partners with local businesses that help people stay physically and mentally healthy through art, culture, and a sense of belonging. It is our dream to support groups like this for free — your donation can help us cover our rent for this historically significant building and facility, directly benefiting the cultural richness of Ventura and the wellness of its residents.

Danza Azteca group photo

There are many more reasons why even small donations can help make a world of difference for the people in Ventura. From the families who need it most, to those who are curious about all the arts and cultures that exist within the peoples of Ventura, we are a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to improving the lives of every human we have the priviledge to serve.

To support Bell Arts Factory, donate here.

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