by Iriany Sánchez

We are proud to have been able to endure so many moments of uncertainty this past year when we came to live in a time no one expected, the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to cope with the pandemic thanks to the contribution of artists, virtual events, virtual opening of our artists studios, virtual classes with children from our community in English and also in Spanish, virtual First Fridays, toy drive and outdoor markets. Of course we primarily thank our community for their support and for always believing in us.

Let’s take a look at what we were able to accomplish during the 2020/2021 COVID-19 pandemic.

Nos enorgullecemos de haber podido sobrellevar tantos momentos de incertidumbre este pasado año cuando llegamos a vivir un tiempo el cual nadie se esperaba, el tiempo de la pandemia del Covid-19. Pudimos sobrellevar la pandemia gracias a la contribución de artistas, a los eventos virtuales, apertura virtual de los estudios de nuestros artistas, clases virtuales con niños de nuestra comunidad en inglés e igualmente en español, los First Fridays virtuales, toy drive y mercados al aire libre. Por supuesto le damos gracias primordialmente a nuestra comunidad por su apoyo y por siempre creer en nosotros. 

Echemos un vistazo a lo que pudimos lograr durante la pandemia de COVID-19 2020/2021.

Virtual Art Classes

Teen Art Program

Virtual Art Exhibits

Virtual First Fridays

Toy Drive

Radio Show

Blog Series

Va Por La Avenida Events

Artisan Market


Back to in person
Art Exhibits & First Fridays!

Wow, we were able to accomplish a lot. It is not until you look back that you realize that with the support of our community, our teachers and artists, our staff, and most importantly, our health and faith, anything is possible. As they say: in unity there is strength!

We can’t wait to turn the page and now get started with our in-person events and programs. We already started with our first in person First Friday on July 2nd. We hope to see you soon!

Vaya, pudimos lograr mucho. No es hasta que uno mira hacia atrás que uno se da cuenta de que con el apoyo de nuestra comunidad, nuestros maestros y artistas, nuestro personal y lo que es más importante, nuestra salud y fe, todo es posible. Como dicen: en la unión está la fuerza!

Estamos ansiosos en voltear la página y ahora empezar con nuestros eventos y programas en persona. Ya comenzamos con nuestro primer First Friday en persona el pasado 2 de julio. ¡Esperamos verte pronto!

With your help, we can come out stronger than ever in 2021! Will you make a monthly contribution of $5 to Bell Arts Factory and keep Ventura filled with art, dance, music, and culture?

Yes, I’ll help!


  1. Pingback: Face to Face Art Factory happening this Sept. First Friday – Bell Arts Factory

  2. Pingback: “La Danza de los Diablos” – Oct. 1st First Friday – Bell Arts Factory

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